Past Exalted Rulers
There will be a Past Exalted Rulers’ Meeting at 6:00 pm on the 4th Wednesday of each month except in the months of July, November and December. The meeting will be held before the Social at 6:00 pm at the Houma Lodge at 7883 Main Street, Houma. The purpose of the meeting is to serve as an Advisory Committee to all Lodge officers and committees promoting the Good of the Lodge and of the Order. If you are available, please make plans to attend. We can really use your past experience.
Past Exalted Rulers:
Brenda Leroux Babin PhD
Ernest John Babin Jr
Melton Barrett
Wilford Boquet Sr
Jerry Cunningham
David P Leroux
Beulah Rodrigue
Kelly Rodrigue
Richard Trahan
Ricardo Valdes