Fraternal Committee
(4) Fraternal Committee:
(4-A) Fraternal Sub-committee:
Fraternal Committee
Implement the patriotic activities planned by the Grand Lodge and cooperate with other local organizations in fostering patriotic community endeavors.
Prepare and carry out all arrangements for Flag Day services as required by the provisions of Section 2.030.
Prepare, supervise, and conduct a planned program for indoctrination of candidates and their families prior to initiation in order that all candidates and their families may become fully informed as to the good works of the Order of Elks.
Investigate the character of all applicants for membership and reinstatement, personally interview all applicants, verify the statements in their application, and report at the next regular meeting of the Lodge.
Secure applications for membership in the Order, investigate and report on all delinquencies in Lodge dues, encourage delinquent Members to pay their dues and avoid being dropped from the rolls of the Lodge, and promote the reinstatement of lapsed Members. The committee shall regularly report to the Lodge on membership.
Implement the Lodge activities program of the Lodge, its State Association, and the Grand Lodge.
Arrange for the observance of Elks Memorial Day as required by the provisions of Section 2.020.
Publicize the Elks National Foundation, promote its programs, activities, and charities, encourage and solicit contributions, and recognize all gifts made to the Foundation.
Implement the programs of the Elks National Veterans Service Commission within the Lodge in furtherance of service to veterans, assist when called upon by the Armed Forces of the United States, respond to any call for aid and cooperation requested by the government in any emergency, and be available to assist in the event of disaster in any area of the United States.
Charged with implementing the patriotic activities of the Order and Lodge. Each Lodge should take part in as many of these programs as possible in order to accomplish a diversified impact for Americanism in their area.
Elks National Foundation
As its primary duty, publicize the Elks National Foundation, to promote its program, activities and charities, to encourage and solicit contributions, and to appropriately recognize all gifts made to the Foundation.
Flag Day
Be charged with making all arrangements for "Flag Day Services" and the execution thereof, as required by the provisions of the Ritual and Sec 2.030 of the Statutes of the Order.
Elks Memorial Day
Be charged with making all arrangements for the observance of "Elks Memorial Day" and the execution thereof, as required by the provisions of the Ritual and Sec 2.020 of the Statutes of the Order.
Use such means and employ such methods as may be best adapted to secure applications for membership in the Order and to increase the membership of the Lodge.
Prepare, supervise and conduct a planned program for the Indoctrination of candidates and their families, prior to initiation, in order that all candidates and their families may become fully informed as to the good works of the Order of Elks.
Investigate and report on all delinquencies in the payment of dues in the Subordinate Lodge, and shall use such means and employ such methods as may best be adapted to prevent the dropping from the rolls of any member for non-payment of dues, and to restore to membership such former members as may have been suspended or dropped by reason of delinquency. Said committee shall report on its work at the first regular meeting in each month.
Monitors all aspects of membership, including invitations, retention and education—bringing in new members, teaching them about the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks and then ensuring that the member experience meets everyone’s expectations.
Examines each applicant proposed to the Lodge to ensure the applicants (1) Meets the qualifications for membership as set forth in the Constitution and Laws of the Order. (2) Understood each of these questions. (3) Answered the questions on the application form truthfully. (4) Understands and agrees with the purposes of the Order. (5) Is socially and financially acceptable. (6) Intends to participate in Lodge programs.
Veterans Service
Implement the program of the Elks National Veterans Service Committee within the Lodge as may be requested by the Commission in the furtherance of services to veterans, assist when called upon by the Armed Forces of the United States, respond to any call for aid and cooperation as might be requested by our National Government in any emergency and to be available for cooperation in the event of disaster in any local area of the United States.
Charged with promoting and implementing the Scholarship Program activities of the Local Lodge, State Association and Grand Lodge for the geographical area of the local Lodge.
Lodge Activities
Fraternal Socials
Charged with promoting, coordinating and implementing Fraternal Social activities of the Local Lodge.
Mardi Gras Parades
Charged with promoting, coordinating and implementing Fraternal Social and Fundraising activities for the Mardi Gras Parades.