Duck Hunt
Houma Elks Lodge #1193 Inaugural Duck Hunt
Saturday, November 16 from 10:00am-2:00pm
Registration Form
Compete in the Inaugural Duck Hunt! How? Create a team of 2 or more and be ready to hunt ducks, rubber, metal, wooden, or painted, around Terrebonne Parish, take pictures, and list the ducks you find. Each duck you find photograph and list will be worth one point. Specialty ducks will be worth 50 points. Clues to find specialty ducks will be released between 9 and 10 am Saturday morning. Teams will have 4 hours to check off and earn as many points as possible to be the winning team.
1st place team-$250 CASH 2nd place team-$100 CASH 3rd place team-$50 CASH
A Team Spirit Award will be given to the team with the most spirit.
The cost to participate is $30.00 per team . Team check-in will be at the Houma Elks Main Street Lodge between 9am and 10 am. Team captains will meet at 9:45am when the clue list will be released. Teams must return to the lodge and submit their list and photos no later than 2:00pm. 2:00-3:00pm will be the judging. Awards will follow the duck derby.
RULES: Teams must stay together at all times. Teams must take a photo of every duck found and every team member must be in every photo. Every team must have a driver who is 21 years or older (driver does not have to be a team member.) Sportsmanship and appropriate conduct is expected of all participants. All traffic laws must be followed during the event. Remember: this is a FUNdraiser for our Veterans Programs.
To register complete this form and bring it to the Elks Main Street Lodge Thursday, November 14th between 4 pm and 6 pm, Friday, November 15th between 6 pm and 9 pm, or Saturday, November 16th from 9 am to 10 am,